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The radio workshop


Welcome to my radio workshop!

Here I repair and service our stations and accessories.
My  business is at a hobby level as I have a regular job during the day so repairs and service are only accepted to the extent of time and desire.
I also choose the type of repairs I undertake depending on the availability of service manuals and spare parts and costs associated with the repair.
Old cb-radios should preferably stay at the owners home 
when the ravages of time and screw-happy novices often put the radio in a condition that is not worth repairing.
You are always welcome to contact by using the contact form at the bottom of the page.
You can also contact me if you repair/modify on a slightly simpler level yourself and need support.
In that case, write your phone number in the contact form and I will call you when the opportunity arises.

An IC-7300 on the repair bench


Tips from the coach.
If you do not have full control and the right instrument park, never open the station to repair, mod or "tune" it.
Never go into hidden service menu to "trim" it.
Don't touch anything that works!

Use well-tuned antennas, preferably antennas in resonance or close to resonance.
All contacts and connections in the antenna system must be well connected and with good contact.
Make sure you have no RF currents
 back to the shack.
In case of high mismatch in the antenna system, use an external tuner instead of the radio's built-in one.

For long transmit cycle digital modes, do not run at full power.
Do not build the radio in such a way that the radio's fan cannot get rid of the hot air from the station.

When connecting power amplifiers, modems, microphones or other non-original peripherals, ensure that all connections are correctly configured.
If the radio is not working as it should, do a factory reset before you decide to send it in for repair.

Instruments and aids in the workshop at the moment:
*Signal generators, two channel HF and LF
*Signal generator with subtone generator.

*Sinad meter
*Spectrum analyzer
*Frequency counter
*RF millivoltmeter
*Modulation meter

*Antenna analyzer
*Network analyzer

*Inductance meter
*capacitance meter
*Capacitor tester (ESR)
*Capacitor tester (DC leakage)
*Semiconductor analyzer

*Output power and swr meter
*Impedance bridge

*RF coupler
*RF injector
*HF sniffer
*LF mixer (2-tone mixer)

*White noise generator
*Dampening kits
*artificial loads with different resistances and measurement output.
*Digital multimeters / bench multimeter.
*Measuring tweezers/SMD tester

*High resistance analog multimeter
*Instrument for measuring high currents
*Power supply
*Lab unit
*Turning transformer

*Lödstationer med lödkolvar, lödpicett, varmluftlödning,   infraröd lödvärmestation och avlödningskolv med    _cc781905- 5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_  vacuum suction
*Circuit board holder
*Anti-static mat, Anti-static bracelet
*Reference station Yaesu FT-890

Recent repairs and service carried out in the workshop.
IC-706MKIIG- Rep of reference oscillator.
Drake T4x and R4- Refurbishment.
Drake C-line- Trimming and replacement tubes.

IC-7400- Rep of display lighting.

IC-7400 Front board under repair

FT-890- Replacement of relay and repair of autotuner.
FT450D- Rep of RF board.
Magnum 1012- TX/RX frequency tuning.

Magnum 1012 connected for measurement of output frequency

IC-718- Opening for TX 1.6MHz - 30MHz.
IC-746- Rep of display lighting.
IC-7410- Rep of autotuner and SWR bridge.

IC-756-Pro kapton taped for upcoming soldering jobs

LDG AT-1000ProII- Replacement of comparator.
IC-751- Performance check, scale lamp replacement and volume control rebuild.
IC-7400- driver board rebuild.

IC-7400 with rebuilt driver stage and other transistors

Magnum 1012- Poor receiver sensitivity, no repair due to value of radio and cost of repair.
Dentron Supertuner Plus- Function check.
Anytone AT-588 - Final transistor replacement.

Broken output transistor taken out of Anytone AT-588

Repair of control board for magnetic loop antenna.
Repair of QRM eliminator X-phase- Replacement of protection diodes.
Anytone AT-5884M- Replacement of surge protection and rope of display lighting.
Repair of QRM eliminator WiMo- Replacement of mosfet transistors.

QRM eliminator repair

Anytone AT-5884M - Final transistor replacement.
Icom PS15 - Replacement of electrolytes.
Zetagi BV131 - Replacement of power cord, start-up with rotary tafo, adjustment of meter and function check.
Ericsson C700 69MHz - rep of receiver.

Measurement of receiver signal Ericsson C700

CTE DC9 - No output, no repair due to final stage value and repair costs.
Zetagi B47 - Replacement of final transistors and switch transistor.
Elecraft K3 - Rope of connection between Subin board (splitter) and
sub receiver.

Elecraft K3 on the repair bench

IC-78 - Rep of sensor board (encoder).
IC-7300 - Modification to battery holder and replacement of watch battery.
FT1000MP Mark-V - Opening for TX  on all frequencies.
RCI 2950-DX - TX frequency adjustment.

K-PO DX-5000 - Circuit board resoldering

K-PO DX-5000 - This is where the manufacturer ran out of solder

Texas Star DX-500 - Re-soldering components and electrolytic capacitor replacement.
Retevis RT-9000D - Thermal error in TX-VCO, change of transistor.
Alinco DR-138 - Power supply cord.
Sommerkamp TS-2000DX - TX frequency adjustment.
Kraco 2555FM - Service and tuning.

Measurement in a Kraco 2555

Spitfire MarkII - Power supply rebuild, tuning and RX shell lamp replacement.
Kraco 2555 - Trimming.
Sommerkamp TS-780DX - Tuning
Yaesu FT-767GX - Repair of s-meter, replacement of backup battery and function check of transverters.
Repair of lightning damaged TS-480HX

3 diodes from a lightning-damaged RF card from TS-480HX

Hercule Turbo - TX frequency adjustment.
Galaxy saturn - Rep of switch and reference oscillator as well as service and tuning.
IC-746- Rep of autotuner.

Broken autotuner motors removed from IC-746 for repair

Retevis RT-9000D - Rope of drive voltage to the receiver.
Storno repeater - Sweeping of cavity filters.
Yaesu FTDX-5000 - Opening for TX on all frequencies.
Yaesu FL-2100Z - Tube replacement with step start, control of bias and neutralization. Repair of SWR bridge and replacement of shell lamp.

FL-2100Z - Control of DC leakage in electrolytes.

Raymarin RAY54 - Function check and replacement of microphone element.
Antenna switch Ameritron RCS-4 - Rep of relay, cleaning and function check.
Yaesu FT-897 - EEPROM replacement.

FT-897 - replacement of EEPROM

ProPower PS1330 - Replacement of electrolytes.
Filter bank - Replacement of relays and frequency sweep.
IC-7000 - Opening for TX on all frequencies.
Kraco 2530 - Rep of previously poorly executed rebuild.
K-PO DX-5000 - Replacement of protection diode and encoder.

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The tip on the left of the micro cabinet  is a pin.
An FT-1000MP Mark-V on the bench
En IC-260E på bänken som efter lite handpåläggning fungerar bra trots tidens tand.
IC-7300 - Rep av tuner på grund av ombyggnad av SWR-brygga
Alinco DX-SR8 - Provkörning av PA-delen  med hjälp av signalgenerator
IC-9700 uppkopplad mot signalgenerator för test av mottagare
FT-100D - Local-Unit urplockad och monterad i kretskorts-hållaren för reparation av VCO
FT-817 monterad i både stationshållare och kretskort-hållare för felsökning av main-unit under drift

Send me a repair request
I will get back to you as soon as I can.

Thank you for your message!

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