In order for our hobby to be as pleasant as possible, it might be a good idea to adhere to some rules about how to behave on the bands.

A radio amateur must be tolerant.
We share frequencies with many other people, some of whom will not have the same opinion as you.
We don't talk derogatorily about people.
Be mindful of what you say and avoid discussing topics that may seem upsetting or offensive.
Topics that should be avoided are religion and outlook, political ideology, or economic social issues etc. where opposing parties may have strong opinions which do not necessarily match your own.
We completely avoid profanity, sex words and the like.
Understand that everyone may not have the same skills,
experience and more.
Act humbly towards other people on the bands.
If you or someone else gets upset, avoid acting on it, instead behave like an adult in such situations and try to calm the situation down.
Stations that deliberately interfere are ignored, attention usually only makes the problem worse.
Lcall before sending and ask if the sequence is available if you are unsure. Also listen a few khz above and below the frequency you intend to use so you don't disturb ongoing traffic near your frequency.
Call correctly and exit correctly.
Amatörradion is mainly for technical discussions of a purely private nature or of general interest for the hobby, tests and exams and more.

Approach to DX traffic
Ilistening and listening and listening again before calling the DX station.
I callingThe DX station only if I can perceive the DX station properly.
Idon't trust the DX cluster but be sure of the DX station's callsign before I docallingThe DX station.
Ido not disturb the DX station or anyone whocallingThe DX station and I never transmit on the DX station frequency vid split-QSO
Iwaiting for the DX station to finish a contact before I calling.
Ialways enter my entire signal.
I does not callDX station continuously.
After calling the DX station, I listen carefully.
I callingnot when the DX operator answers another call sign, not mine.
Ianswers orcallingnot when the DX operator asks for a signal that is not mine.
I callingnot when the DX station is requesting geographic areas other than mine
Are there more stations waiting to finishI my QSO with the DX station as soon as we exchange the necessary information unless the DX station expressly wants to conduct a longer QSO with me.