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My remote station

Here is some information about my remote station.
The mast stands on a hill outside Åmål about 1km from home. The main antenna is an 80m dipole set up as an inverted V and with step feed. I also have other antennas in the mast, which is also equipped with a sled.

The steps from the dipole go into these baluns that I built and the feed then continues as coax into the autotuner, The antenna can be tuned without problems on all bands from 160m to 10m.

The station consists of an IC-706MKIIG, remote control from Remoterig and a 4G router. The autotuner comes from MFJ.
There is also a Windows computer with Chrome remote desktop installed so I can get into the router's and Remoterig's web interface, pull out the antennas and control the antenna switch from home.

The remote station also has a Web-SDR that I connected with my radio at home with the help of Omnirig so they follow each other in frequency, mode and mute at tx.
The SDR receiver is an Air Spy and the software is Spy Server installed on a Windows computer. The software at home is SDR Console also installed on a Windows computer and with the screen mounted directly above my station.
I can broadcast with the station at home and listen to interference-free reception with waterfall and spectrum scope from the remote station.

Remote control of antenna contacts in case of thunder.
Around the remote station, there is a collaboration with Åmål Municipality so that it can be used in social crises.
At the moment we are working on a solution to be able to control it via radio link and thus be independent of the internet.
Reserve power for the power supply is also underway.
The station also has a special signal - 8S6K
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